The way parents express his love in children indeed varied. Ever seen parents who throw-throw her baby into the air and catch it to hear the baby laugh? Or mengguncang-guncang his shoulder hard while expression is funny?
The way adults express pique had various, and often mengguncang-guncang the children made the means of impingement.
But, if You do so, then stop. And if you see others do so on their babies, cegahlah, because shaking the baby is very dangerous.
Shake the baby can cause serious problems in the brain of an infant, and can lead to problems that went on permanent, such as:
1. brain damage
2. cerebral palsy
3. the blind
4. epilepsy
5. difficulty speaking
6. learning difficulties
7. coordination difficulties
Some children can even cause death. This is known as shaken-baby-syndrome.
Why shook baby dangerous?
1. Baby has a head bigger than with the other members of the body, and neck muscles are still weak. If hit, his head will be snapped to the front and back.
2. Jolt-jolt it will shake the brain and ruin it.
3. the small blood vessels will join the broken, causing bleeding in the brain and surrounding areas, and also in the eyes of the baby.
The biggest risk is in infants under one year, but did not rule out the possibility can occur at a greater age.
To look out for is shock-shock can occur even when we were playing with the baby. Therefore there are some games and activities that should be avoided to prevent it, among others:
1. throw a baby into the air
2. running while carrying a baby on your back or in the head
3. Horse-piggyback style (infants up to the back, up to a foot and digoyang-goyang)
4. Rotate the baby
Do not forget to remind people about the baby, like his brothers, handler, his grandparents, not to shake a baby.
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