Widal Test Positive Not Typhoid

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Prof. Dr. Iwan Darmansjah, SpFK

When the season is being changed in Indonesia, especially in major cities, often found the disease typhus which is smooth bowel disease. The cause of some types of germ Salmonella typhi.

Germs typhoid especially brought on by contaminated water and food, as a source of drinking water in Jakarta, for example, less qualified. Vegetables can be washed with water times which also wear to the shelter of the waste. Outhouse ending in got or times. When typhoid germs from human being ill of typhus. Because of the large cities is a giant open latrines, then any typhoid germs are in many beverages and foods that passes by the cooking process.
The circumstances that led to the reality: there may be no people in Jakarta who never swallow typhoid germs! If only a bit of a kuman terminum body, usually people not exposed to typhoid. However, germs that little by little into the body of an immune reaction that raises can be monitored from the blood; known by the reaction of the Widal test positive.
Someone in Indonesia that have positive, yet Wal reaction means the pain of typhoid. But when this positive reaction occurs like Wal in Switzerland, and the Guy never eat at a roadside Jakarta and never given a typhus vaccine, then chances are he is suffering from typhoid. In developed countries waste disposal system funneled through the pipes is closed so it is not mixed with human excrement.
Today the General laboratory examination conducted in the Widal test is so there is a fever 1-3 days. When the reaction of the Widal test found positive, the person becomes agitated. Sometimes he ate his own antibiotic drugs or lab results showed it to the doctor. It often happens, doctors give drug typhoid to him directly.
Widal test, like all of the results of the laboratory, must be interpreted wisely. Clinical signs of sufferers should take precedence over the Widal test positive reaction. Why? Because almost all people in Indonesia have had a positive reaction Wal without ill of typhus. People with typhoid fever starts low (subfebril) night, missing the next day, repeated again that night, and the day higher. Start of the evening, then lunch as well. Typhoid can never start with a high fever on the first day until the third. When the fever continues and on day 5-6 being higher, then it was time to check the Widal test and do the breeding of germs from the blood. The results of the breeding of germs typhoid positive is evidence certainly the existence of typhoid. Unfortunately, the results of this new culture of germ known after one week (outside of the country in 2-3 days, and this is a great challenge to our laboratory).
Numbers reaction Wal alone are meaningless, because of rising temperatures, slowly, until it reached temperatures higher after 5-6 days are simtom more important to suspect the existence of typhoid. High fever that occurs until 4-5 days, without signs of infectious germs that obviously, more than 90% likely is infection by the virus, which need not be given antibiotics.
In contrast to the diet of ancient times, now typhoid does not require a strict diet of porridge; Rice rather mushy enough already. Meat, eggs, fish, chicken, tofu, tempeh, vegetables, and fruit is okay. However, spicy and hard as a nut should be avoided. More important is the rest (sleep terlentang) all day, until the heat down for several days.
When cared for at home he was allowed to stand and walk slowly only once a day for shitting. Piss in bed only. Temperature note four times a day to be shown in the treating physician. However, sufferers forbidden to go to the doctor's practice. A lot of movement causes the temperature went up again, because the germ regardless of where its development in the intestines into the blood. The movement of many also pose a risk of intestinal rupture in week 3-4. With this treatment and drug antitifus special, new fever will go down in 4-8 days. When summer is down in 1-2 days after treatment, it is likely not typhus suffered.


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