Imprtant Eat time Food For Childern

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Healthy Eating Foods - You have probably heard by their own parents: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But now tell you, it is - in his sleep, exhausted, cranky children who insist, "I'm not hungry," you try to get pissed off all the moves and in the morning.

Even if you eat a healthy meal a day in the morning, it can be difficult to get children fed in time for school, child care, or day play. But it is important to try. Here is how attractive breakfast for all.
Why bother with breakfast?

The breakfast is a great way to give the body the refueling it needs. Children who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier and generally participate more in physical activities - two great ways to maintain a healthy weight.

Skipping breakfast, children can feel tired, restless or irritable. In the morning, have their places for the day after fasting for 8 to 12 hours refuel during sleep. Your mood and energy can fall through the morning, if they do not want to eat, at least one meal in the morning.

Breakfast can also help children's weight in check. Breakfast kick-start the body's metabolism, the process by which the body converts food into fuel for energy. And when your metabolism in motion, the body begins to burn calories.

In addition, people who do not eat breakfast often more calories during the day and are more likely to be overweight. That's because someone skips breakfast, eat more before lunch and snack on high calorie foods or too much at noon hungry.
Brain Power Breakfast

It is important for children to eat breakfast every day, but what they eat in the morning is crucial too. The choice of breakfast foods rich in whole grains, fiber and protein, low in sugar may promote children's attention span, concentration and memory - they must learn to school.

Research has also shown that children eat, the fiber breakfast to get calcium and other important nutrients. They also tend to keep their weight under control, the cholesterol level in blood and fewer absences in school, and make fewer trips to the nurse with stomach problems related to hunger.


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