Implications of Avian Flu in humans

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dr Farshad Judarwanto SpA, Our Lady's Hospital, Jakarta

The Ministry of health of Indonesia has identified the presence of avian influenza infection in a patient in Tangerang. This discovery has been corroborated by an examination of laboratory official WHO in Hong Kong. This is the invention of the sufferers of bird flu in humans that the first time in Indonesia. A year earlier, on January 25, 2004 the Department of agriculture has announced officially, the first case of avian influenza attack poultry in Indonesia.

Bird Flu or avian flu is also often known as avian influenza, generally do not attack humans. Several types of proven can attack humans or a particular type can undergo mutations more violent and attacked the man. This deadly disease has become a pandemic in the world. Start arising panic in some countries when the plague was caused the death of a very fast with the level of deaths (Case Fatality Rate) of more than 80%.

Bird flu was first identified in Italy more than 100 years ago. Initially, the disease is a disease of animals that attack the poultry. Bird Flu or avian pestilence (fowl plaque) is a disease virus that attacked various types of poultry, including chickens, turkeys, doves, waterfowl, birds of pets, to wild birds. The Virus was also found in pigs, horses, and animal feeding sea such as whales and seals. The last revealed the H5N1 virus has been identified on the Tiger, and Leopard cat. Previously it was not considered a bianatang which can be varnished with the bird flu virus. Pigs can also be contracted and as an intermediary for transmission to humans. Later revealed the virus not only stuck to the skin, but were bred and mutated in the circulation of the blood of animals.

The cause and manner of transmission in humans

The cause of the birds on the avian influenza virus is A type of Virus is scary ... including family Orthomyxoviridae of genus of Influenza. The size of the diameter of the Virions is 80 to 120 nm-shaped filament. The arrangement of viruses consists of 8 different segments of the


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